How Healthy is Your Weekly Shop? 5 Tips to Make it Healthier

How Healthy is Your Weekly Shop?

How much thought goes into your weekly shop? Whether you’re loading up the car with the essentials or ordering what you need online, there’s plenty to consider – and it only gets more complicated the more people in your household!

Planning meals several days in advance takes some dedication, and picking up enough ingredients to keep things fresh and satisfying might feel like enough of a challenge in itself. But it’s vital to keep in mind nutritional value as well, and this is an area where many of us might be doing ourselves a disservice.

After analysing 20 of the UK’s favourite everyday food items with samples taken from several leading supermarkets, research from online bingo site tombola has found that sugar and salt levels are often well above recommended daily intakes.

How Healthy is Your Weekly Shop - Tips to Make it Healthier - The Life of Stuff

Ireland and UK’s Go-To Items

There are all kinds of things we all add to our weekly shops without even thinking about it that might give us a surprise when it comes to how unhealthy they can really be. The tombola study compared some of these foods against recommended nutritional intakes from the NHS and the British Heart Foundation, finding several of them wanting.

Tomato ketchup, for example, is a go-to condiment for so many of us but it’s the worst offender when it comes to sugar content. Just 100g (about five tablespoons) of even reduced-sugar variations amounts to a whopping 67 percent of your recommended daily sugar allowance. It’s also 22% of your recommended daily salt intake.

The most worrying product in terms of salt is mature cheddar cheese, which contains 1.8g per 100g of cheese – that’ll take you straight up to 30% of your recommended daily allowance. Although the study found that four out of the top five salt-heaviest items investigated did have significantly less salt content when bought in plant-based form, vegan cheese does not address the issue in the same way – it’s actually even slightly more heavy on salt than its dairy cousin.

Further Reading: Sneaky Signs Your Diet isn’t Working for Your Body

How Healthy is Your Weekly Shop - How to Make it Healthier - Top Tips

How Healthy is Your Weekly Shop?

How to Make it Healthier – 5 Top Tips

A lot of the biggest presences of salt and sugar are found in what are called ultra-processed foods – which, when consumed in excessive amounts, have been linked to increased rates of type two diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer and more.

Cutting down on these is certainly a good place to start, while reinforcing your shop with a greater variety of fruits and vegetables. Fruit’s higher levels of fibre help to regulate increases in your blood sugar.

Focus on planning main meals that are more satisfying for longer so that you find yourself tempted by snacks less frequently. Ingredients that are higher in protein are good for this, as the body takes longer to break down protein so you won’t get hungry again so soon.

How Healthy is Your Weekly Shop - Food Pyramid

Ireland’s Health Service Executive (HSE) ‘Healthy Food for Life’ resources are designed for everyone aged five and older, outlining the Irish Government’s recommendations for healthy eating and a balanced diet. They offer reliable, evidence-based guidance to promote consistent healthy eating habits. Here is an example of their recommendations:

How Healthy is Your Weekly Shop? How to Make it Healthier – Tip #1

Eat More Vegetables, Salad, and Fruit

Aim for up to seven servings a day of vegetables, salad, and fruit. Plan meals around these nutritious items, making them the star of your grocery list. Pre-packaged salad mixes, frozen vegetables, and seasonal fruits can save time and make healthier eating more accessible.

How Healthy is Your Weekly Shop? How to Make it Healthier – Tip #2

Limit High Fat, Sugar, and Salt (HFSS) Foods

Be mindful of high fat, sugar, and salt (HFSS) foods by checking labels and limiting processed snacks. Opt for healthier alternatives like whole grains, lean proteins, and snacks like nuts or seeds. When you stock up on healthier items, you’ll naturally reduce your intake of HFSS foods.

Further Reading: Courgetti Spaghetti with Pine Nuts, Spinach and Feta

How Healthy is Your Weekly Shop? How to Make it Healthier – Tip #3

Size Matters: Use the Food Pyramid as a Guide

Let the food pyramid guide your serving sizes (see the Food Pyramid above from the HSE). Focus on balancing food groups by buying appropriate portions of protein, dairy, and grains. For example, stock up on whole grains and lean proteins, and keep treat foods to a minimum. Understanding portion sizes helps prevent overbuying and food waste.

How Healthy is Your Weekly Shop - Tips to Make it Healthier - Physical Activity Plan

How Healthy is Your Weekly Shop? How to Make it Healthier – Tip #4

Increase Your Physical Activity

Make your weekly shop part of your physical activity plan. Park farther away or walk to the store if possible. Carrying bags or pushing a cart can help increase your physical activity levels. If you do your shopping online, take a short walk afterward to stay active.

How Healthy is Your Weekly Shop? How to Make it Healthier – Tip #5

Small Changes Make a Big Difference

Introduce small changes to your shopping habits that can make a long-term impact on your health. Swap out sugary drinks for water, or choose whole grain versions of your favourite foods. Each small change helps build healthier habits and makes a big difference over time.

Further Reading: How to Spend Less on Staying Healthy – 5 Savvy Ways

Making these adjustments in your weekly shop will not only enhance your comfort but also support a healthier, more balanced lifestyle.

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How Healthy is Your Weekly Shop - Tips to Make it Healthier - The Life of Stuff

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